Sunday, September 25, 2011
~Thoughts from a Hospital Bed 8-26-11~
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
~Faith Without Works is Dead~
Though it may seem a long time towards your craft.....
Do not allow the naysayers to hinder what God has promised you.
If he said it........HE SHALL do it.
I have to keep reminding myself...what HE said he would spite of the circumstances.....
Thursday, April 21, 2011
~420 N 421 4 Lyfe~
It never ceases to amaze me our connection.......
As my birthday ends yours begins....what a wonderful succession.
When I think about our hours, upon hours of long dialog, and your attempting to make me
me understand logic and practicality.
It does not fall on death ears, because the words you speak are so very dear to me.
We come from two separate worlds....your everything that i'm not....
Yet I understand your obscure sense of humor, and you have out slicked the slippery fox.
I love our jokes...the unique way we do "us".......
Who would have thought one of our most intimate moments
was when we are 'thrifting' and me...rolling in the truck.
Remember, Virginia Beach when time stood still you and I watching the beach on the sand..
Another intimate moment you and I, just the two of us hand and hand.
I remember your lugging Television(s) across town because you wanted me to be "ok"...
You have been bringing me things and fixing things, from day one ...that just happens to be in your DNA.
I'm laughing at the note from my mother, the fight with my daughter and just our family way.
You were a man about yours and didn't allow all of the riddiculum to run you away.
All wrapped up in a 6'5 1/2 package just the way I like.....
Mmmmm, your bald head...the one I rub at night.
Your my King and I’m your Queen....
I can go on and on...but no one needs to know our intimate things.
I thank God for sculpturing me, and making me just for you.
Many don't understand our connection....its unique, they can't possibly understand a man of your hue....
As we celebrate our miraculous and very interesting years on this earth.....
I thank God for giving me, you Kenneth Mr. 4/21, the day of your birth.
~420.n 421.......4lyfe~
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
~April 20, 2011~
On this day...I can truly say I'm humbled and thankful for the Universe that has allowed me to see another year.
Another year to get it right........
Another year to say i'm sorry......
Another year to grow.......
Another year to laugh and experience life lessons, and to commit to being a better person.
Another year to LOVE without expectations...
Another year to appreciate the laughter of my 4 grandsons....
Another year to see my son and daughter grow and become their unique selves....
Another year to grow closer to my wonderful daughter in law......
Another year to allow God's master plan to unfold in my life.....
I'm thankful for the little things.....
The rain....the sun that the early morn.
The birds that sing, welcoming a new day........
Your kiss on my forehead........and your words and deeds that tell me LOVE ME in
'In Spite of the CRAZY'.
I'm thankful for this blessed body of mine......
Although it acts up sometimes....i'm thankful for every triumphant endeavor we have overcame.
I'm thankful for my all are special in your unique way....
we have the relationship we are suppose to have....or we wouldn't be having it.....(think on that)
I am thankful for those that have left my life...and those that remain...
I'm thankful for my enemies.....and my wonderful friends...
For you all have assisted in the the making of Andrea.......
In Everything I GIVE THANKS!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
~FAITH is the Reciprocal of Fear~
In my studies....I have found that Faith is the recipricoal of fear. The same energy we give to fear or faith will produce, the results, we envisioned. The scripture says ..."Now Faith is the evidence of things hoped for"...its the same principle if we say.."Now fear is the evidence of things hoped for". We must focus on our FAITH in GOD, instead of our fear in the devil (notice he's not worth the caps) :) .
I've heard on more occasions than I can count people discussing fear. I used to operate out of fear. I would act a certain way or do a certain thing because I was operating in fear. Then I began to medidate on the word of God and realized that in Luke 10:19 it says....Behold, I give unto power to tread on serpents and scorpians and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means hurt you. Whoah...what a revelation!
Then I got real bold with it and began to laugh at the enemy and his traps. I was like weren't even good enough to remain in heaven. God has ALL the victory in Luke 10:18 it says....I saw satan fall like lightening from heaven. LOL
According to our FAITH we can do the impossible........Mathew 9:29...clearly states...According to your faith BE IT UNTO to you. This leads me to believe that if we operate in FAITH and our lifestyle is in line with God's will. He will give us the desires of our heart.
Todays affirmation for me is: I will NO longer allow fear to dictate my life. I will OPERATE in FAITH!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
~God's Grace~
This is not a "Get Out of Jail Free" card......and we aren't to abuse it.....but I know that the more I seek God......... the less times I will miss the mark.
I thank God for his grace and his mercy that is ever present.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
~On Lent~
Speak positive words......speak things that are not as though they were and hopefully...eventually the words will match with the deeds.
I thank God i'm family is blessed and the word of God is shed abroad in our hearts through Christ Jesus........
Friday, March 4, 2011
Random Thoughts..............
I have questions needing answers. I have answers to questions never asked. I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread. I thank the Lord for all that he has given me that sustains me. I thank him for tools and life lessons that have allotted me the resources I have today. In everything GIVE THANKS for it the will of God concerning ME!!!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Lord I thank you!!!
You are all knowing and forever in my corner. I am blessed beyond measure.....blessed in the city...blessed in the field...i'm BLESSED...everywhere I go.......BE IT UNTO ME~~~
Sunday, February 20, 2011
We are Blessed to be a BLESSING
We are blessed to be a help others so that we can rebuild the kingdom...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
~Lead By Example~
(Thank you LORD....i'm growing!!)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
by Maya Angelou
from AND STILL I RISE by Maya Angelou,
copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou.
Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
When You've Done All You Can - STAND!
In my almost 45 years of living "standing" and patiently waiting on the Lord has been the hardest thing to do. We live in an instant society..."minute rice, quick meals, fast food" so we are so used to having instant gratification.
This breeds an impatient world. God is not a Genie in the bottle. We can't pray a "instant prayer" and expect him to 'move' just because we 'rubbed/read' the bible and prayed a 'majic prayer..."presto chango". We must pray and quote scripture and STAND. Stand on his promises and exercise our FAITH.
You would not like it or want to be in a relationship where the only time your mate talked to you or spent time with you is when he/she wanted or needed something. God is the same way he doesn't want you to pray to him or GIVE to him because your wanting that big blessing. He wants us to spend time with him because WE LOVE HIM.
This month is Valentines Day and many are consumed with what they are going to get from that special someone. Let's learn to LOVE more and to GIVE. Give the gift of LOVE..pray without ceasing. When trials come your way lean unto the Father and he will MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS and YOU WILL HAVE GOOD SUCCESS!!!!
"And when you've done all you can you just...............STAND"
Friday, January 28, 2011
I guess that was your way of preventing that,
Not allowing us to finalize our relationships with you,
So I guess you are with us forever......
So now who are we to measure ourselves by,
When we need a standard set on how much fun to have,
Because you could party
Like no one else;
And who is going to show us
how not to waiver on our convictions,
Because you could stand strong
Like no one else;
And from who do we learn how bad not to be,
Because you sure could "raise hell"
Like no one else;
And who is going to help us take on
the trials and challenges of life,
Because you stayed a winner
Like no one else;
And who is going to teach us
how to fantasize with grace and style,
Because you could "shoot the bull"
Like no one else;
And whom are we to compare ourselves to
when it comes to giving LOVE,
Because you gave
Like no one else;
I guess now I understand why
you wouldn't let us say........
Written by another GILLIAM 1st Cousin...David Gilliam
Saturday, January 22, 2011
becomes so very important. The little things our parents did
when you were a child become 'memorable moments', and such good
times. Instead of those "oh so embarrassing occasions", that made you
cringe when they were happening.
I thank God for my family, I am happy for the good, bad, and embarrassing,
moments that have entwined us so tightly even to this day.
I am happy for that woman who would give me 'that look' from the usher's pew.
I was all the way in the choir stand and yet that look made me straighten up
and act right. I am thankful for that 'gruff' voice that use to say....
'don't be a FAILURE"...I still hear Mr. Gilliam's voice deep in my spirit to this day,
although its been over 20 years ago, when he left this earth….in his OWN WAY.
All those words, acts and deeds helped form the woman I am today. For that I’m grateful!!
I can only pray long after I’m gone my FAMILY will remember and cherish the words, acts and deeds
that I left them. I want them to laugh and bask in all those memorable moments that
we shared.
~FAMILY~ (may the legacy live on)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
~Our Past~
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Saturday, January 15, 2011
~Your Gift~
I'm chuckling as I write. Ladies and Gentlemen, your 'gift' is what comes to you naturally with little to no effort. Do you find friends or loved ones calling you to do something specific consistently? They do this because they realize your very good at it and it takes you little to no effort to complete the task. Be it bake a fantastic Upside Down Cake or make an excellent 7 course meal.
Whatever, the task you can do it with your eyes closed. And you wonder to yourself, “why do they always ask me to do this?!” Well my friend that is “Your Gift”. You may be a great orator, whereas others may be scared out of their minds to speak to others in front of a crowd. However, you find great pride in doing so. As a matter of fact you get a “rush” out of it! Again, my friend that is your gift.
Go within, make a list, seek God and find out exactly what the Lord has called you to do. What would you enjoy doing whether you were getting paid for the service/task or not.
Once you’ve established that……begin doing it. One of my favorite Authors, Jackie Collins, says, “If you want to be a writer….just begin writing!”
This brings me back to my new found mantra, “Build Where Your Planted!” Begin doing the things you enjoy, as unto the Lord, and sooner or later, I believe YOUR GIFTS WILL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU.
Well, let me get back to doing the tasks that my family member requested I complete. I am blessed to assist although, I am 2,000 miles away….You know why?? Because that is MY GIFT!!!
Smiling as God sends me little reminders. Go Figure!!!
I am blessed to be a blessing and I will WALK IN MY GIFT!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
~Walk In Your Calling - Remember Who You Are~
Remember young lion cub Simba who was born to be king, but because of a mistake, he ran away from the kingdom and ended up ‘in the world’ living a “Hakuna Matata” life – no worries, no responsibilities. However, he had a vision of his father saying, “Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king!” We need to remember who we are in CHRIST!
We are children of the King – royalty – let’s act like it!
We as children of the MOST HIGH need to remember who we are and 'represent' and act accordingly.
My Father is rich in houses and land...he holds the world in the palm of his hand.
No worries...Mon!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Uplift!! Uplift!!! Uplift!!!
I would encourage each and everyone too build others and not destroy. We are snared by the words of our testimony. If we practice the “Art of Encouragement“, this random act of kindness will become a way of life.
Thank you Lord for placing positive energy in my life and giving me ALL the love I can handle. I thank you that you’ve placed it on my heart to be a friend and a supporter.
You are working on a “new and improved” me. For that, I give you praise!!
Uplift!!! Uplift!!! Uplift!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Delight Thyself In the Lord (Psalms 37:4)
Throughout your day begin to focus on God's words and his kingdom. Honor God with all thine heart. If we begin to do this he will take care of our business. It's so easy to get caught up in our problems, faults and shortcomings. If we would only begin to be in the realm of praise and thanksgiving for what he's done in our life. God will honor our efforts.
Let's all stop murmuring and complaining and speaking ill of others. Let's begin to uplift others and operate in Love. If we begin to do that, imagine the trickle down effect it will have all across the nation. :)
I thank you Lord for all you do for me. You are looking out for me.... when I don't even realize it.
Your an awesome God!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Who Will Encourage....The Encourager?
I asked the question, when I needed someone to pour into my spirit.
Without judgment, with words of wisdom, delivered to me in a way,
I would be receptive to hear it.
He has sent us the Holy Spirit to be our comforter in our time of sorrow.
For this very reason, we need not worry, fear or be discouraged about what will happen tomorrow.
In times of anguish......when we are in want and in need.
God is our source, do not look to others or seek ill gotten gain...
through your acts and deeds.
He is our help in the midst of a storm.
He keeps us through our worries, when we are in trouble, and feeling forlorn.
God is the ultimate encourager, our strength in every situation.
Lean not to your own understanding....for He is the ruler of heaven and earth and all nations.
In the words of the Psalmist, David, 'If I make my bed in the midst of hell, behold though art there". With this knowledge in my spirit I have no reason for despair.
Thank you Lord for being my encourager, my friend, my rock, my ALL and ALL.
You are always there... to pick me up...each and every time I fall.
A. Gilliam-Washington
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
~Healing Scriptures~
God is a Healer~
Jesus bore my sickness and carried my pain. therefore I give no place to sickness or pain.
for God sent his word and healed me. Psalms 107:20
No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague ome near my dwelling.
For You have given Your angels charge over me. they keep me in all my ways.
In my pathways is life, healing and health. Psalms 91:10:11: Proverbs 12:28
Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. Therefore i refuse to allow
sickness to dominate my body. The life of God flows within me bringing
healing to every fiber of my being. Mathew 8:17; John 6:63
Every organ and tissue of my body functions in the perfection that God
created it to function. I forbid any malfunction in m body in Jesus Name.
Genesis 1:28, 31
Your word manifest in my body, causing growths to disappear.
Sickness is a thing of the past. I make demand on my bones and joints
to function properly in Jesus' Name. Mark 11:23: Mathew 17:20
Monday, January 3, 2011
~A Email from "Rev Kev" Pastor and Motivational Speaker~ (December 2007)
This email was written to me, by a friend and former colleague. This was written 3 months after my amputation.....the words stayed with me and resounded in my spirit. Through pain, tears and agony...I kept thinking to myself...I walk by FAITH not by sight. It was literally and figuratively. I knew in my spirit, without encouragement and GOD. There could be no way possible, I could make the journey that was ahead of me. Years later...... those profound words, written to me, by Rev. Kev would the premise of my destiny "We Walk By Faith...Outreach Services!
Thanks "Rev. Kev."
'December 2007'
Dear Andrea,
Wow! What a difference a year can make.
I'm so delighted, however, to learn that you have not let the change in circumstance
change "who" you are. Sounds to me that you've allowed it to deepen who you
are! I like that!
Keep on walking in your purpose, dear friend.
The sky is the limit for you!
You don't need legs to walk,
just faith.
You see, we walk by faith, not by sight!
Lots of love to you Andrea and thanks for writing!
Keep in touch!
Rev. Kev
2010 Reflections and Embracing 2011
As this year comes to a close I have been sitting here reflecting on the good,
the bad and the ugly..ugly. I don't want to sound generic and or cliche (ish).
But I truly thank the LORD for another year that he has kept me in his care.
When I think back to 2007 when I went through a horendous ordeal....not even
knowing if I would live, much less walk again. I thank him for how far he has
brought me. As the old song says...If he never does anything else for me...HE's
On loving...I thank God that he has shown me and continues to teach me on how
to LOVE unconditionally. I thank God that he has touched my heart...and i'm
learning to be a conduit of positivity..and to focus more on the good in all. If
we all knew better..i'm sure we'd do better. So I can't fault those who don't
operate under the love creed. I can only pray for their awakening.
I thank God for my family and for those in my close intimate circle. It's
small by design. Everyone who says they are for you aren't always. I have been
blessed with the gift of discernment and I am steering clear of those who do
not have my best interest at heart. I can love you from afar until your words
and deeds are in close proximity of where I am going.
My children are so dear to me. I thank God he's blessed me with two
productive, positive young adults...they make it all worth while. My 4 loving
grandsons are the apple of my eye.........Troy III, Antione, Trenton and
Antonio..I'm looking forward (GOD WILLING) to seeing you boys progress and
thrive in this world. My mom......she shows me daily the meaning of HIS LOVE
EXTENDED....she just 'does'..too much at times...but she is the epitome of
In conclusion...I am so looking forward to 2011 and the many blessings and
all the LOVE I can stand. I know the areas that aren't completed will come to
fruition in Gods perfect timing....all I have to do is 'my part' and continue to
LOVE and the BEST is yet to come.
I thank God for people that he has placed in my path to encourage. make me happy and I am thankful daily for your progress.
421...I love you a lifetime........nothing and no one can ever change
(The heart wants what/who the heart wants) your words....
Happy New Year.....THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!!