~The African Violet.....In Full Bloom~

Thursday, April 21, 2011

~420 N 421 4 Lyfe~

It never ceases to amaze me our connection.......
As my birthday ends yours begins....what a wonderful succession.

When I think about our hours, upon hours of long dialog, and your attempting to make me
me understand logic and practicality.
It does not fall on death ears, because the words you speak are so very dear to me.

We come from two separate worlds....your everything that i'm not....
Yet I understand your obscure sense of humor, and you have out slicked the slippery fox.

I love our jokes...the unique way we do "us".......
Who would have thought one of our most intimate moments
was when we are 'thrifting'...yea....you and me...rolling in the truck.

Remember, Virginia Beach when time stood still you and I watching the beach on the sand..
Another intimate moment you and I, just the two of us hand and hand.

I remember your lugging Television(s) across town because you wanted me to be "ok"...
You have been bringing me things and fixing things, from day one ...that just happens to be in your DNA.

I'm laughing at the note from my mother, the fight with my daughter and just our family way.
You were a man about yours and didn't allow all of the riddiculum to run you away.
All wrapped up in a 6'5 1/2 package just the way I like.....
Mmmmm, your bald head...the one I rub at night.

Your my King and I’m your Queen....
I can go on and on...but no one needs to know our intimate things.

I thank God for sculpturing me, and making me just for you.
Many don't understand our connection....its unique, they can't possibly understand a man of your hue....

As we celebrate our miraculous and very interesting years on this earth.....
I thank God for giving me, you Kenneth Mr. 4/21, the day of your birth.

~420.n 421.......4lyfe~


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

~April 20, 2011~

On this day...I can truly say I'm humbled and thankful for the Universe that has allowed me to see another year.
Another  year to get it right........
Another year to say i'm sorry......
Another year to grow.......
Another year to laugh and experience life lessons, and to commit to being a better person.
Another year to LOVE without expectations...
Another year to appreciate the laughter of my 4 grandsons....
Another year to see my son and daughter grow and become their unique selves....
Another year to grow closer to my wonderful daughter in law......
Another year to allow God's master plan to unfold in my life.....
I'm thankful for the little things.....
The rain....the sun that shines....in the early morn.
The birds that sing, welcoming a new day........
Your kiss on my forehead........and your words and deeds that tell me ....you LOVE ME in 'In Spite of  the CRAZY'.I'm thankful for this blessed body of mine......Although it acts up sometimes....i'm thankful for every triumphant endeavor we have overcame.
I'm thankful for my family.......you all are special in your unique way....we have the relationship we are suppose to have....or we wouldn't be having it.....(think on that)I am thankful for those that have left my life...and those that remain...I'm thankful for my enemies.....and my wonderful friends...For  you all have assisted in the the making of Andrea.......In Everything I GIVE THANKS!!