~The African Violet.....In Full Bloom~

Monday, January 3, 2011

~A Email from "Rev Kev" Pastor and Motivational Speaker~ (December 2007)

This email was written to me, by a friend and former colleague.  This was written 3 months after my amputation.....the words stayed with me and resounded in my spirit. Through pain, tears and agony...I kept thinking to myself...I walk by FAITH not by sight. It was literally and figuratively. I knew in my spirit, without encouragement and GOD. There could be no way possible, I could make the journey that was ahead of me. Years later...... those profound words, written to me, by Rev. Kev would the premise of my destiny "We Walk By Faith...Outreach Services!
Thanks "Rev. Kev."
'December 2007'
Dear Andrea,
Wow!  What a difference a year can make.
I'm so delighted, however, to learn that you have not let the change in circumstance
change "who" you are.  Sounds to me  that you've allowed it to deepen who you
are!  I like that!
Keep on walking in your purpose, dear friend.
The sky is the limit for you!
You don't need legs to walk,
just faith.
You see, we walk by faith, not by sight!
Lots of love to you Andrea and thanks for writing!
Keep in touch!
Rev. Kev





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